Thursday 11 November 2010

Acorn Little Lake, Wednesday 10th November

I was looking forward to this 12 peg knock up, as this lake usually produces a few fish even in the coldest weather. Once I'd drawn, I knew that I wasn't going to see any return on my pools money today (maybe a different story in the summer). I drew peg 7 which today was next to the bridge (RH side of the bridge looking towards the Carp lake). On my RH side I had Pete Sivell for company, his peg is slightly narrower than mine, but at least he had an empty peg to his RH side.

It was a cold day and the water temperature just about pushed the mercury to 6°C, I'd decided on an maggot approach, to the far bank, up to the bridge and in the LH margin. I also fed a line ½ way across with a little micro and a couple of 3mm expanders - as I suspected this didn't produce a single bite.

I had a couple of fish from the bridge, and couple from the far bank, it was fishing hard for everyone, although I could see some action towards the end of the lake (motorway end). Pete Sivell went down to th empty peg and a weed bed and had a few fish, before Dave Blakemore on the peg the other side potted in a big pot of feed, that pretty much stopped Pete, who had been getting a fish a chuck.

I did have a short spell where I lost a couple of foul hookers, I shallowed up and had another fish, but I pretty sure the fish were just passing through the peg, as the liners stopped as soon as they started. I was losing interest, I couldn't tempt any silvers (apart from a small chub and 1 roach), where have all the Perch gone? They were prolific in this lake.

At half three, with half an hour to go, the sun had gone, I was freezing cold and knew that I had no chance of sneaking into the money, so I packed up neatly and tidily (unusual for me!!) so I'd be ready for Viaduct on Thursday. Quite bizarely, the silvers were won with 1lb 9oz, most of which was a big fat goldfish.

As I sit typing this on Thursday lunchtime, I should be at Viaduct fishing, but our dog manged to lose an arguement with a barbed wire fence this morning, whilst out on his walk and I'm waiting for the phone call from Langford Veterinary College, where he is being operated on to clean up his wounds and stitch him up. So the 4 pints of pristine caster in the fridge will hopefully keep until Saturday.

1) Martin Lenaghan peg 1 with 89.03
2) Tim Ford peg 11 with 80.06
3) Phil Harding peg 2 55.00
4) Tony Rixon peg 3 44.12
5) Pete Sivell peg 8 40.10 Also top silvers with 1.09
6) John Bradford 33.12 peg 12

As the results prove, you wanted to be at either end in the 'bowls' or have an empty peg to one side.


  1. I think your dog did you a favour, keeping you away from the wind and rain!

  2. Think I'd have rather got wet and blown about, a £550 bill, the dog is feeling pretty sorry for himself and one of the wounds was adjacent to his jugular - a couple of mm to the right and he'd have been a goner.
