Saturday 11 June 2022

Acorn Spring league, R5, Saturday 11th June 2022

 Penultimate round, needed a good draw, as it will be tough going to get in the frame overall.  Peg 15 for me, couldn't really complain as it is a good section peg all year round.

I'd brought 4 pints of casters, so that was my primary line of attack, a rig set up to fish shallow down the track with banded caster.  Another rig to fish banded pellet across to the island, a margin rig to fish to the pallet of 14, but I felt it may be a bit deep.  The LH margin was shallower, so a separate rig for that.  Finally a rig to fish maggot on the drop short.  

The wind was horrendous, couldn't feed the caster by hand, so that was that plan a bit scuppered, I tried fishing it with a catapult, but even that was tricky as the wind was gusting and changing direction continually - quite a few Tourette's sufferers for the duration of the match.....

I only had one roach all match on caster, so no more to say about that, I had nearly everything on banded 6mm fished across, although at some stages presenting a bait was impossible.  I did catch a couple down to the pallet of 14, but it was too deep and even though I only fed 6mm pellets there, they still came up and I had liners and foul hookers, but couldn't catch shallow, the last hour cost me a place as I was beating Rob on the next peg, but he caught decent fish steadily down his LH margin in the last hour, whilst I added one fish in the 60 minutes.


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