Sunday, 29 August 2021

Acorn Two Dayer, Day One, Saturday 28th August 2021

 As Acorn isn't available for Sunday bookings, this bank Holiday weekend two dayer is held on Saturday and Monday.  21 Fishing, 3 sections of seven, with section points deciding the placings and weight sorting out the order in the event of drawn points.

Been a few weeks since I have been to Acorn, so no up to date knowledge other than looking at the match results, I didn't think too much would change, although I was hoping they were keener for hard pellets than my last couple of visits.

When bridge pegs were out and out flyers, I could never draw them, now they have lost that lofty position and have become silvers flyers, I wasn't surprised when I drew one, I could never draw when they were king....  peg 34, it isn't a bad peg, I was I thought, up against Rob Wilshire on 29 who had plenty of room and the wind blowing into him, also Mark Broomsgrove on 31 has won the section in league matches a couple of times from there.

Tried to keep it simple and cover a few options, so margin rig set up, one for fishing corn over micros short, a rig for fishing in the deepest part of the peg, which is down the track against the bridge and two similar rigs for over, one with a 6" hooklength and banded hook, one with a plain hook and a 4" hooklength.

Started over, trying to feel my way in, tosspotting  4mm pellets and a 6mm in the band, instant response, small carp, small tench then a bigger carp.  I stuck with this for the first hour, not feeding anywhere else, I had 29lb on the clicker, I then fed some micros on the short line, that started fizzing, but apart from one F1 and one carp, even though it fizzed every time I fed it, I just couldn't get bites over it.

I tried maggots by the bridge, one carp and one tench, but not faster than fishing across, I did try a line across with GB and maggot, that certainly brought fish in, but they were small and I was starting to struggle, I had 80lb in the first 3 hours, which was looking OK on the day, but I was finding it harder to get bites and I started to chase fish - that was a mistake.  Dan on peg 33 was starting to catch down his RH edge, I frustratingly could not get a bite down the edge.

I put a small ball of GB in on my far pellet line, I had switched to feeding 6mm pellets to try and dissuade smaller fish, this did kick start it again, but I was still being tempted by the edge, as others were catching in the margins.  The last 20 minutes I did have a fish every put in down the edge and I somewhat saved my day, putting 126lb on the scales, so a poor last half of the match compared to the first half, some of that was me trying to catch short or down the edge when I should have persevered across.  That gave me second in the section and fourth over all, so some coin for that and some hope of a result overall, if I can get a section win on Monday.

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